Our flagship service. You have a hiring need and you want the best. If we don’t already know them, we will find them for you. We set up a meeting to thoroughly detail your hiring need and network with the top professionals in the field to find the perfect fit for your team.
Hire without the risk. Hire a W2 or 1099 consultant through Rezeo with the intent of converting them to full-time employee after an established timeframe. We offer full benefits to W2 employees.
You’re hiring an executive and they aren’t applying to your Craigslist Ad because they’re busy helping companies thrive. Hire Rezeo to conduct a long-term project based search program to attract the top executive your company needs to be successful. The format of this search is vastly different than contemporary direct hire methods.
Hire a Subject Matter Expert (SME) for a niche project that you do not want to or are unable to hire full-time. There are experts in your field who only work as consultants. Rezeo knows who they are. We can help.
Web and Mobile design never looked so good! Rezeo prides itself on cutting edge technology development. Let our team of experts help yours. Is your backlog growing out of manageable control? Deadlines to hit, but not enough developers? Hire us!
Startups are extremely difficult, so we've created a method that will help you attract and share a recruiter between other similar startups at a much lower cost than hiring someone full time. You'll also be paired with other founders and be given an opportunity to network with like-minded entrepreneurs.
If you are a startup and interested in our recruiter lease program, please watch the video provided and contact us to see if you qualify. We’re here to help you be successful.